Monday, 5 March 2012

Hospital chief hosts ‘have your say’ meeting in Formby

Patients and the public in Formby have the chance next week to find out more about plans for Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust to become a foundation trust.

Foundation trusts were created to put decision-making about healthcare into the hands of local people. Southport and Ormskirk trust wants to become a foundation trust by April next year.

The first of a series of public meetings will be held on Monday and hosted by Jonathan Parry, the trust’s chief executive.

He said: “Foundation trusts have been around since 2004 and now the Government says all NHS trusts must become one.

“It is important we have local people’s support for our plans and this is one of a number of public meetings I am hosting where people can learn more and have their say.”

The meeting will be held on Monday 12th March at Formby Christian Fellowship, 93 Church Road, Formby L37 3NB at 6.30pm. Please call 01704 704714 if you have any special requirements the Trust can help with in advance of the meeting.

People can also make their views known by visiting the Trust website at www.southportandormskirk.nhs.ukAlternatively:

  • Request a copy of the consultation document from The Foundation Trust Team at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust, Southport and Formby District General Hospital , Town Lane, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 6PN
  • Telephone the team on 01704 704714
  • Email them at

Consultation responses can be completed online but the Trust will pay the postage for people returning the responses by post.

Foundation trusts are run as membership organisations and foundation trust members perform several important functions including:

  • Influencing how health services the Trust is responsible for are run through greater involvement and ownership
  • Contributing to developing new services or improving existing ones
  • Becoming a Trust governor and working closely with the Board of Directors to deliver the very best in health care for local people

Issued by Tony Ellis, marketing and communications manager
Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust

Telephone      01704 704494