Sefton Central Labour Party welcomed Labour's Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls to the party's annual dinner and local election campaign launch.
Ed Balls was the guest of honour at the event which attracted over 150 party members.
The Shadow Chancellor joined Sefton Central Labour MP Bill Esterson and Sefton Council Labour leader Cllr Peter Dowd at the dinner.
Ed Balls said he was delighted to join the annual dinner.
He told diners: "It is a pleasure to be here in Sefton again.
"What an amazing week it's been. We've had pastygate, a government caused run on petrol, a budget which has seen pensioners pay for a millionaire tax cut and the Lib Dems nod through the privatisation of the NHS. The most shambolic and disgraceful example of politics that I've ever seen.
"The events of the last week show you that despite David Cameron's best efforts to say otherwise, the Conservatives haven't changed. Their tax on our pensioners is an attack on our older people. Their removal of family tax credits is an attack on hard working families. Meanwhile they are giving millionaires a tax cut. Same old Tories.
"What is the point in this government of Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats? This is a right wing government pushing through a right wing agenda, looking after the rich at the expense of the poor.
"They've put up VAT, hitting working families and they've pushed through a budget which gives millionaires money at the expense of our pensioners.
"We know that George Osborne's plan is to cut tax credits and cut the top rate of tax. He thinks if you take away tax credits it will make working people work harder. While giving millionaires tax breaks will make them work harder. George has one rule for the rich and one rule for the rest of us."
Ed Balls praised Sefton Central's MP Bill Esterson and Sefton Council's Labour leader Cllr Peter Dowd: "You are so lucky here in Sefton Central to have Bill Esterson as your MP. He's a hardworking Member of Parliament who campaigns hard for the interests of the people of this constituency.
"Only by winning this seat will Labour be able to win the general election in 2015. The fightback starts here.
"That's why Bill is taking the fight to the Tories and Liberal Democrats in Government, and why Cllr Peter Dowd is taking the fight to them in the council.
"I wish them both the best of luck."
Bill Esterson thanked the Shadow Chancellor for attending.
Bill said: "Ed Balls is a leading figure in Labour's opposition to this right wing Tory-Lib Dem government.
"He predicted that George Osborne's slash and burn economic policy of cut fast and cut deep was doomed to failure and the rocketing unemployment figures and flat-lining of the UK economy is a direct consequence of that policy. A policy which is failing the people of this constituency and Sefton as a whole.
"I'd like to thank Ed Balls for being a fantastic guest speaker and everyone who came along to make Sefton Central Labour Party's annual dinner a success."
Sefton Council Labour leader Cllr Peter Dowd said the dinner had been a great success.
Cllr Dowd said: "It was a great evening for everyone who attended and it is always a pleasure to hear Ed Balls speak at one of our events."
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