Wednesday, 23 May 2012

New Formby Councillor works with residents to oppose plans for phone mast at Freshfield Train Station

Formby Labour Councillor Nina Killen is working with residents to oppose plans to install a telephone mast at Freshfield Station.
Mother of three Nina was only elected as Harington Ward's Labour Councillor two weeks ago, but already she is working alongside residents to oppose the mast application.
Vodafone and Telefonica have submitted the application for a telecommunications mast to be sited at the station off Victoria Road.
This is the second time in 10 years that residents have had to mobilise to oppose the installation of a mast at the site.
Golf Road resident Jamie Doyle was involved in the original campaign to oppose the plans.
The father of two, who together with other residents compiled a petition opposing the plans, said: "A few of us went around collecting names of people in the immediate vicinity. In a very short time we managed to collect 90 signatures.
"Out of every door we knocked on, we had just one person who refused to sign, which goes to show the strength of feeling in this community against this.
"The proposed mast is being sited in an area where young children live and where there is already higher than normal levels of radiation being emitted from the high voltage substation, electrified rail lines and the telecommunications mast recently erected at Fisherman's Path.
"Residents here feel as though this is already a done deal and their views are being ridden roughshod over.
"This 45ft mast will dominate the landscape for the local residents, as there is negligible screening. There is one tree blocking this mast, but that isn't sufficient coverage.
"But the main concern is the close proximity of the mast to the houses, it is just 16m away from my property. The accumulative radiation is the primary concern for people in this community. There are lots of young children in this community and we fear for the health affects of these masts on them."
Harington Ward Labour Councillor and mum of three Nina Killen and MP Bill Esterson have written to residents around the site.
Cllr Killen said: "People in this community have some very real concerns about this application and that is shown by the number of people who signed the petition opposing it. 
"We have concerns about the health implications of a mast of this size being located so close to houses.
"This community campaigned against a similar application 10 years ago. We will campaign even harder this time.
"The views of this community must be heard."
Bill Esterson has raised the issue in Parliament.
Bill said: "I have asked government ministers for guidance on the risks from electromagnetic radiation from phone masts and mobile phones, especially in children. 
"There is evidence of potential health risks especially to children and we want the government to say what the scientific evidence shows. 
"I am also asking for clarification on the new planning rules about mobile phone masts which the government announced last month.
"Cllr Killen will also be raising the issues which have been raised locally with us with members of the Sefton Council Planning Committee."

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