Friday, 21 September 2012

Sefton Central MP Bill Esterson joins the Formby Residents' Action Group to fight plans to destroy the greenbelt

Labour MP Bill Esterson told more than 400 Formby residents that the battle to fight plans to build on greenbelt land in the town was being made all the more difficult because of the "duplicitous government's planning policies".
The packed out Formby Residents' Action Group meeting at the RBL building on Whitehouse Lane, heard that while Tory Chancellor George Osborne is encouraging local authorities up and down the country to build on greenbelt, he has signed a petition opposing plans to build on countryside in his Tatton constituency.
Formby Residents' Action Group organised the meeting to update the community on the campaign to oppose David Wilson Homes' plans to build more than 300 homes on the current farmland to the east of Savon Hook and Alt Road along the bypass. 
The plans have sparked anger amongst Formby's residents who have since organised a campaign group to oppose the development.

After seeing the initial plans for himself and speaking to residents, Bill Esterson has vowed to fight the developer.

Speaking at the meeting, which Formby Labour Councillors Catie Page, Nina Killen and Peter Maguire also attended, the MP said: "This Conservative-led Government wants to build on the greenbelt because that's where their friends the developers can make most money.

"The fact that George Osborne is coming out encouraging local authorities to build on greenbelt, while signing a petition to oppose building on the greenbelt in his own constituency shows the duplicitous nature of the Tories in government.

"The Tories are accepting donations to their party, including from David Wilson Homes, and they are changing the planning rules in favour of these developers.

"That's why it is important that the people of Formby stand shoulder to shoulder, as they have done so far, to campaign against these plans which will see the bulldozers move in to Formby and tear up the character of our communities throughout Sefton."

Bill praised the Formby Residents' Action Group for organising the campaign.

Bill said: "Formby Residents' Action Group is doing a fantastic job co-ordinating this campaign.

"Thousands of people have signed the petition so far, which can be presented to the government once the 10,000 mark is reached and the government must respond.

"I'd like to thanks the hundreds of people who attended the meeting on Friday and who let me know their views about this issue.

"Most people I have spoken to agree that we need housing for our young people, but the community needs to be the ones who decide where those new houses go.

"This is the community of Formby. The people of Formby must be given a say on how their community evolves and develops. That's what localism is and what I and my colleagues will continue to fight for."

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