Monday, 4 February 2013

Homelessness in Sefton

I've had a number of letters from residents over recent weeks regarding Sefton's policy towards homelessness. Please see below the initiatives currently being undertaken in the Borough.

Cold Weather Provision
Sefton MBC has a well established Cold Weather Provision in partnership with Liverpool CC; this provision should mean that anyone rough sleeping has the opportunity to access overnight shelter and additional support.
This provision is available based on government set criteria i.e. when the temperature is estimated to be zero degrees Celsius or below for a period of 3 days or longer.  Services and groups throughout the area are made aware of when the shelter is open.
The service is based in the Liverpool City Centre area and is hosted by a local church who allows use of their church hall. The shelter is staffed by volunteers from homelessness groups and charities.
The service allows rough sleepers to shelter but does not provide beds. Any person accessing the shelter is given the opportunity of additional support the next morning via various homelessness groups and charities. Obviously the person has the opportunity to decline this assistance and in practice many do. 
No Second Night Out
“No Second Night Out” (NSNO) is a scheme that originated in London and the government wants to see replicated nation-wide. Sefton is part of the Liverpool City Region “NSNO” protocol (the first outside London) that aims to get first time rough sleepers off the streets as soon as possible.
NSNO allows incidents of rough sleeping to be reported to a central co-ordinating point. The report can be made by statutory bodies, VCF groups, partner agencies and members of the public. There is a contact free phone number; 0300 123 2041, and web-site; 
Once the referral is received staff from the Whitechapel Centre (the group contracted to undertake this work on behalf of the City region LA’s) will go out to the area where the rough sleeping is thought to occur and try to contact the person individually. If contact can be made they will offer him/her the range of options available to them.  Again the person has the opportunity to decline this assistance and in practice many do.  However the very nature of rough sleeping means that it is often difficult to make and maintain contact with a person who is rough sleeping.
Sit-up Service
Sefton MBC in conjunction with Liverpool CC also provides a “sit up” service outside the times when the Cold Weather Service is not in operation. This service provides overnight shelter for people who are rough sleeping or at risk of rough sleeping where shelter is required for a short period whilst a longer term solution is secured.
This service is provided by a range of homeless groups in the Liverpool City Centre area.
All these schemes seek to end rough sleeping and provide support and assist the individuals into more permanent accommodation should they wish to.

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